Pearce & Heers provide internal training seminars for accounting firms on various insolvency related topics. The seminars generally run for approximately 45 minutes to one hour including answering any questions which may be raised. If you would like to arrange a seminar at your firm’s office please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Provides general information on the types of formal corporate insolvency appointments, what happens in these types of appointments and when such appointments should be made.
Provides general information on the types of formal personal insolvency appointments, what happens in these types of appointments and when such appointments should be made.
Focuses on options available for distressed companies other than liquidation or voluntary administration. Includes discussion regarding transactions involving phoenix companies which is currently a focus of investigations being carried out by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission and the Australian Taxation Office.
Focuses on the types of recovery action which may be pursued by the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) such as Director Penalty Notices, garnishee notices, liquidation and bankruptcy proceedings. Includes discussion on how we approach negotiations with the ATO generally where the ATO has refused payment arrangements proposed by a company’s representatives or it has commenced some form of recovery action.
Focuses on what happens in an insolvency appointment to a building company, problems which arise for a company and its directors with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission and other risks for company directors.
Designed to assist accountants understand what can happen in bankruptcy so that they can develop strategies for structuring their client’s financial affairs or provide advice to clients in financial difficulty.
Provides general background information on two types of common recovery actions pursued by a Liquidator.
Provides a brief overview of the effect of the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) and details of risks associated with failing to register a security interest on the Personal Property Securities Register.
Provides an overview of the key risks directors can face personally upon closure or liquidation of their business.
Level 12
127 Creek Street
Brisbane Qld 4000
Phone: 07 3221 0055
Fax: 07 3221 8885
Postal Address
GPO Box 691
Brisbane Qld 4001
Level 15, Corporate Centre One
2 Corporate Court
Bundall Qld 4217
Phone: 07 5630 1179
Fax: 07 3221 8885