Andrew Heers
Andrew Heers is a Chartered Accountant, Registered Trustee in Bankruptcy and has a Bachelor of Business degree, majoring in accounting.
Andrew has more than 30 years experience as an insolvency accountant, including experience obtained working in a national Chartered Accounting firm. He has extensive experience in providing advice and assistance in both corporate and personal insolvency matters across a diverse range of industries.
Andrew has particular experience with bankruptcy related matters including Section 73 proposals, Personal Insolvency Agreements, real estate sales and legal claims.
Andrew is also the partner responsible for administering the Members’ Voluntary Liquidations conducted by the firm. He has performed many Members’ Voluntary Liquidations ranging from small private companies to large unlisted public companies.
On numerous occasions Andrew has been appointed by the court as Statutory Trustee to sell real estate and other assets.
Andrew has also been involved in a number of complex and large insolvency litigation matters.
In addition to providing advice to company directors and insolvent individuals, Andrew regularly provides insolvency advice to solicitors and accountants, regarding insolvency matters which impact their clients.